Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's Here, It's Here

No need for small talk. Let's get straight into HBO's True Blood, Season 3.
- Bill, missing in Mississippi
- Tara on a suicidal rage and vulnerable enough for her own fair share of fang banging
- Sam attempting to evade sexual fantasies of Bill while finding his roots
-Jason's new roommate Hoyt isn't helping with his guilt of killing Eggs
-Eric's delicious... delicious..body
- and on, and on, and on.
You can't get it all in there and we are only at episode 2. The amount of unknown that will soon develop throughout this season makes me excited. Sookie's more self righteous than ever, and Eric's charms have created a more enticing, more sexually driven, and just better Twilight-esque fandom split, pitting Team Bill Vs. Team Eric FINALLY.

While rumors were raised about the third season digressing from the book, unlike the first two seasons, it is already clear that they may be touching upon some original drama, which I generally hope for in adaptations.

The pulpiness of True Blood is evident even so early in, and the campy humor is elating. The introduction of new and vague characters will keep me on the edge of my seat for the rest of the season. Personally, I found the finale of season 2 to be a bit lackluster, yet stylistically typical. And I was satisfied. Because what makes their muted cliff hangers worth it, is the whirlwind of tie ins that the premieres successfully achieve.

There can't be much to say for True Blood yet, but I certainly can not wait to discuss. So it seems, I am confident I will be glued to the television with a thirst....True Blood