Friday, July 30, 2010

Big Brother Update: I was Totally Wrong

Andrew Gordon, King Kosher, is out of the house, and Rachel, previously one of the biggest targets in the house, is Head of Household, AGAIN.

And I wasn't expecting any of this. When Brendon won POV, we all knew that he wouldn't even dare plan on using it to save Andrew (even though they were aligned together) because Matt would be quick to place either him or Rachel on the block. So by devising the plan that Andrew would openly say he would go after Rachel and Brendon, he assumed (as did I) that house-mates would feel drawn to him and his similar desires. They would feel protected, and feel stronger against the already powerful power couple.


Instead he created stronger enemies within the ones he already had. Mainly Kristen. Going after Kristen was not smart for his OWN game play but certainly smart enough to make her a target.

AND THEN Eviction night comes and Andrew opens Pandora's box in his wake. His irrational speech to stay was more like tying a noose around the secret showmance between Hayden and Kristen, which unfortunately got him evicted, but also got the rest of the house-mates up in a twirl.

So did Andrew dig his own grave? Yes. Especially when Brendon gave his vote to Andrew; there was no turning back. He played a smart/dumb game throughout his entire time spent in the Big Brother house, his weird behavior backfiring on him more than not. BUT his cunning in discovering secret happenings has stirred the house to suspicion, ESPECIALLY now that Rachel is Head of Household.

Matt's reign as HOH probably went as poorly as anyone could have hoped. Put a pawn on the block hoping to backdoor the power couple
This in turn got the power couple winning POV against half the Brigade
Which in turn got the pawn sent home

If Rachel is smart, she'll smell the Brigade coming and put Matt and Hayden on the block. Either way it will split up the Brigade's allegiances AND if one wins POV then there goes Kristen. If not, it's still splitting up the Brigade and giving Rachel and Brendon a POTENTIAL safe haven for next week, depending on HOH.

And in case anyone was wondering, I do apologize for two Big Brother entries in a row.

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV enforcer.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The House of Bro

Season 12 is in full effect for Big Brother and the lying, cheating, and sabotaging is already underway. This season has a few new surprises in store for the housemates, one including the already defunct Saboteur. Annie, the first to be eliminated really didn't play her cards very well, and her sabotaging opportunities were cut short when the power couple Rachel and Brendon got POV and got Brendon off the block. Rachel won HOH immediately after and got the caddy girls of BB, Monet and Britney, on the block. Once Britney won POV Matt offered himself up as a pawn, but cried to Monet and Britney about feeling blindsided. This in turn brought Britney to Rachel who told Rachel that Matt was lying to her and Rachel called out Matt in front of the whole house, but somehow Monet still went home which was totally cool and now Matt is HOH and Cathy and Andrew are on the block.

Oh, and just because it's so fun to explain, I will get all your unknower's INTO the know on Big Brother lingo:

You've got housemates in a house completed cut off from the outside world for 3 months. They are followed by a plethora of robotic cameras setup throughout the house. They're first undertaking is the Head of Household competition, otherwise known as HOH. The HOH is the power player for the week, living in the lap of luxury, and holding the nominations for eviction in their sweet little hands. They take some time to make a decision on two people to put up on the block. These two people on the "block" have the opportunity to save themselves from eviction by winning the Power of Veto competition, or POV. If said winner of POV is on the block and they use it on themselves, it is now the HOH's responsibility to put another housemate on the block. These two housemates must then battle for the "affections" of the other housemates and when Eviction night comes on Thursday one housemate WILL have only a few moments to pack their ish and get the EFF out where they are then berated with questions by the ill suited Julie Chen-bot. After a certain amount, the remaining eliminatees are sent off to the sequester house where they wait in anticipiation to see the next victim of whoever reigns as HOH. This repeats until the end where said sequester house is responsible for voting who will win Big Brother and $500,000. Second place gets like 50,000 though, so it's all good.

Now that I've gotten the basics out of the way, here are my thoughts for this season.

If Andrew makes it past eviction this week, he should be a shoe in for HOH next week. His gameplay may be a little bit abstract, squealing with joy at Rachel's HOH win even more so than Rachel's in house boy toy Brendon. But he is a smart cookie, seeing right through people's lies and picking up on strange behavior. He was quick to assume that Rachel wanted him on the block once Britney won POV but was lucky enough to have Brendon on his side to keep him safe. His problems lie in that he has not truly aligned himself with a true and strong alliance hence being on the block this week.

While the cocktail waitress Rachel truly drives me crazy, I enjoy watching the showmance between her and Brendon blossom as well as their fight to keep each other in the house. Their main problem? They have come on too strong and are a powerful team, therefore make themselves easy and obvious targets.

The Brigade consists of Enzo, Lane, Matt, and Haiden. (who also pledges allegiance to Kristen) And with Matt as HOH for the week, they have the opportunity to truly ruin some people's chances at half a million dollars. Their true goal for the week is to have Cathy (who voted for Matt besides Britney) and Andrew (a general threat) on the block BUT hope that one of them wins POV so that Rachel/Brendon can be backdoored and then sent home. This is risky, but if any of the brigade are chosen to play in the POV competition and WIN, then Rachel and Brendon are in ALOT of trouble.

The Floaters: Ragan, Cathy, Kristen. Ragan has a friendship with Matt SOLELY emphasized by Matt's lie about his cancerous wife (his wife, in fact does not have any kind of life threatening disease). Good gameplay? Bad gameplay? He's already been called out once for lying, AND Andrew is suspicious of his wife's disease, got to wait it out and see.
Cathy has not really affiliated herself with anyone besides Britney and Monet. And now she's a target for Matt when she voted for him on eviction night against Monet.
Kristen has a secret showmance going on with Haiden (which Andrew is ALSO aware of) and may exert more power on Haiden as the day go by. Whether or not she will be made aware of his alliance in the Brigade, time will tell.

The best part about this show is the absolute simplicity of being stuck in a house for three months. From there, the development of human nature is really on display. That AND it's three times a week, streamed live online and airs uncensored at midnight on Showtime. I mean if you can't get enough of Big Brother after all that, then maybe it's time you sent in your own audition tape!

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV enforcer.

Mad for Mad Men

Season Four is upon us and the only thing I am more excited about is Elimination time on Big Brother 12. Mad Men, AMC's WASPier version of The Sopranos is BACK and ready for action. When we last left Don Draper and Co., they were fleeing the scene of Sterling Cooper, and forging their own way in a small hotel with Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. A year has passed and it seems as though everything is back to normal, but is it? The season premiere kicks off with Don sitting to lunch with a journalist from some advertising publication being quite coy. His nonchalance seems to be a turn off for the journalist, and the boys at the firm are a bit uneased by the interview's results. Could it be that he's got a lot on his mind? Could it be his stepford wife Betty living in his home with another man? Or is it Pete and Peggy's foolish escapades with hams? Maybe it's Roger's matchmaking pursuit to pair him with a Betty 2.0 with a bit more brains and class? Whichever the case, the show is back and has more smoking, drinking, misogyny, and backstabbing than ever.
It is now my time to urge you, please, watch this show. Because if you ever thought to yourself, "I would like to watch a show that is full of glamour, greed, and great writing," than I think I found it for you. If you have ever thought to yourself. "I'm in the mood for television that frighteningly narrates and mirrors the exploits and nuances of 1960s lifestyles and personas," FOUND IT! If you have ever wondered, "Where have all the classic male actors gone? The likes of Gregory Peck, Cary Grant, and James Dean?" I have two words: Jon. Hamm. If you think to yourself, "I want to watch a show that epitomizes the peak of fashion during the 20th century," BOOYAH.

Catch it on AMC. It's awesome

Thanks for reading, I am, the TV Enforcer.