Friday, July 30, 2010

Big Brother Update: I was Totally Wrong

Andrew Gordon, King Kosher, is out of the house, and Rachel, previously one of the biggest targets in the house, is Head of Household, AGAIN.

And I wasn't expecting any of this. When Brendon won POV, we all knew that he wouldn't even dare plan on using it to save Andrew (even though they were aligned together) because Matt would be quick to place either him or Rachel on the block. So by devising the plan that Andrew would openly say he would go after Rachel and Brendon, he assumed (as did I) that house-mates would feel drawn to him and his similar desires. They would feel protected, and feel stronger against the already powerful power couple.


Instead he created stronger enemies within the ones he already had. Mainly Kristen. Going after Kristen was not smart for his OWN game play but certainly smart enough to make her a target.

AND THEN Eviction night comes and Andrew opens Pandora's box in his wake. His irrational speech to stay was more like tying a noose around the secret showmance between Hayden and Kristen, which unfortunately got him evicted, but also got the rest of the house-mates up in a twirl.

So did Andrew dig his own grave? Yes. Especially when Brendon gave his vote to Andrew; there was no turning back. He played a smart/dumb game throughout his entire time spent in the Big Brother house, his weird behavior backfiring on him more than not. BUT his cunning in discovering secret happenings has stirred the house to suspicion, ESPECIALLY now that Rachel is Head of Household.

Matt's reign as HOH probably went as poorly as anyone could have hoped. Put a pawn on the block hoping to backdoor the power couple
This in turn got the power couple winning POV against half the Brigade
Which in turn got the pawn sent home

If Rachel is smart, she'll smell the Brigade coming and put Matt and Hayden on the block. Either way it will split up the Brigade's allegiances AND if one wins POV then there goes Kristen. If not, it's still splitting up the Brigade and giving Rachel and Brendon a POTENTIAL safe haven for next week, depending on HOH.

And in case anyone was wondering, I do apologize for two Big Brother entries in a row.

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV enforcer.

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