Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Oh my goodness. It's been quite awhile! For some strange reason, I've increased my tv watching over the past three years, but not my affinity for blabbing about it.

Today that changes.

In order to overwhelm you all with some magic (white and black) that has engulfed our tv screens, I bring you the three year a few words as possible:

Jersey Shore Jersey Shore (2009) Poster
It is FINALLY over, but not without some seriously fake debauchery, meatball pregnancy, plastic surgery, 'rehab,' and God Awful (but somehow I watched) spin-offs. Lest we not forget that is inspired 'Wicked Single.' 

Boardwalk Empire Boardwalk Empire (2010) Poster
Season three was slow to start as usual, but Bobby Cannavale was a tour de force (I believe both the Golden Globes AND Emmy's snubbed him) and the wonderful Richard Harrow truly made his mark.

Breaking Bad Breaking Bad (2008) Poster
TV will die just a little bit when this show comes to an end. You're just going to nod your head and ignore me as I say with full conviction that this show is absolutely one of the best, if not the best, the industry has ever seen. The [foreshadowed] epic end to Walter White will leave everyone breathless- that is-if he doesn't come out on top. Which, by the pattern of things, is totally possible. 

Dexter Dexter (2006) Poster
A true fall from grace. And another reason why Showtime will always be second rate to HBO. They cannot sustain themselves for more than four seasons on ANYTHING...and they don't know when to stop (i.e. 'Weeds'). Not sure when Dexter jumped the shark, whether it was when Rita kicked it, or when Deb killed LaGuerta. Either way, one more season to go, and I'm not interested.

Girls Girls (2012) Poster
Say what you will about Lena Dunham. Sure she might look like a chicken cutlet, but she is a visionary, she is an icon for the modern day woman, and she is funny as all hell. Comedy doesn't look like this much anymore, neither does drama, and characters this flawed and overly privileged need a place to call home. Oh and it just so happens to be HBO.

America's Best Dance Crew
Of course I'm putting this here! I mourn its end, as well as Mario Lopez's closet of jackets. If you could take anything away from this show, it is that there are seriously talented people out there, using hip hop to impress the hell out of me.

The Voice The Voice (2011) Poster
A wonderful & refreshing journey away from Idol with the fantastically funny Blake Shelton, salaciously self-centered Christina Aguilera, wildly weird Cee-Lo Green, and mildly moody Adam Levine (so far the most fun I've had writing this). A fantastic way to blow up my twitter feed.

New Girl New Girl (2011) Poster
What Friends never could and never will be (blame the laugh track). My pure blooded hatred for all things Zooey Deschanel (YES IT'S RAINING OUTSIDE) faded as soon as she stepped into that ladyless loft with Winston, Nick, and Schmidt. Oh Schmidt. Some delightful comedic writing resonates from that show. The Nick/Jess drama worried me at first, but I think we just have to wait and see.

Game of Thrones Game of Thrones (2011) Poster
Another reason why HBO wins every time. An epic piece of work that sucks you in immediately. George RR Martin's fantasy book series breathes fire as it is realized through the lens of David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. And thanks to HBO, we now know how to pronounce their names. Season three will be no joke.

Mad Men Mad Men (2007) Poster
Another one coming to an end, the grand, cosmopolitan journey of Don Draper et. al has left us craving more in some way. We lost Lane as well as Don's monogymistic disposition, and Betty is fat (Karma). There is so much to see, and so much to do in these final season.

The Office The Office (2005) Poster
Is it over yet?

Veep Veep (2012) Poster
Clever, quick, and somewhat disconcerting, Julia Louis Dreyfuss sparkles as our Vice President on Capitol Hill and My Girl's Anna Chlumsky has returned. Arrested Development's Tony Hale doesn't hurt either.

The KillingThe Killing (2011) Poster
A great first season, a disappointing season finale, an annoying second season, an awful season finale, a cancellation, a rejoice, a cancellation of a cancellation, a retreat. Enough Said.

The Walking Dead The Walking Dead (2010) Poster
Season three continues to prove that a show about Zombies has staying power, and that AMC can be a force to be reckoned with (Save freakshow..shiver). Rick went crazy for a little while, no big deal, and walkers became the second feared monsters. Some folks aren't feeling David Morrissey's Governor, but his climb to the edge of insanity I'm sure proved some folks wrong this week. And Michonne. That's it.

I'm sure there is more that I've watched over the past few years, but these are some highs and lows from TV Land. Hope you enjoyed it! Will see you soon!

*Photos courtesy of

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