Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to Make a Great Show in America

Cue Aloe Blacc "I need a Dollar." A classic yet funky sound with piano hits mixed in. Take a pile of pictures, and splice them into a fast paced intro for How to Make it In America, a great deviation from the overplayed Entourage. The show takes place in Manhattan in its most unpretentious form. Following the lives of two dudes who have a knack for creativity but a lack of follow through, How to Make it in America is the creation of a warm at home feeling, something most never feel for New York City. It also hits home in other aspects, such as the strive our younger generation has for success, but the motivation we sometimes tend to lack. I've been through the ringer for failed attempts at fame and fortune, and have landed myself on the opposite side of the spectrum. But what makes this show so great and appealing to me is Ben and Cam's can-do, gotta hustle attitude. Well, that and the awesome soundtrack of old school hip hop et. al.

Ben, the beautiful, chain smoking, Fashion school drop out is in cahoots with Cam, his street smart, fast talking best friend with the cutest abuela on this side of 126th Street. While Ben mourns the death of his 3 year relationship with Rachel, the hippie with a heart and an eye for interior design, Cam puts the pressure on for the two to start really making a name for themselves. That, and the urgency to pay back Cam's ex-con cousin Renee (played by the well cast and hilariously tubby Luis Guzman) on a little loan. With a little bit of financial support from their moneybags cohort Kappo (Eddie Kaye Thomas), the two not only pay Renee back but ask for more, in order to sustain a Denim line they decide to promote, called Crisp. Give or take a few setbacks, romantic interests, Pyscho skateboarders, swigs of Rasta Monsta, and some Grand Theft Auto, the show is a success in the youth making their way to the top slowly, surely, and without those damn Master's Degrees everyone thinks we need these days. It's a show about who you know, what you know, and the best way to hustle.

Kid Cudi's in it too, sometimes. Check it out.

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV Enforcer.

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