Wednesday, March 31, 2010

United States of Tara Season 2 Thoughts....So Far

Once you've gotten through the first season of United States of Tara starring Toni Collette, you feel confident in Diablo Cody's ability to create a series out of the quirkyness she has become famous for. But when you watch the first episode of season 2, you begin to worry. Raise your hand if you hate montages, because I surely do. To take almost half an episode to combine a laundry list of overly happy moments in the USOT household became almost a burden to watch. But with the suicide of their neighbor bringing curiosity to Tara, it enables the plot to move much more quickly in the second episode. After a severe incident in season 1's finale, Tara begins season 2 back on medication and "Alter-free" for 3 months. But once she enters the home of their deceased neighbor, something in her clicks back on, and Buck, the loud mouthed womanizer is back in action.

Season 2, take this in no offense to anyone, is much gayer than season 1. This is attributed by Tara and Max's newfound relationship with their "Gaybors" Ted and Hany as well as Marshall's inclusion at the "Gayble" at school. A very interesting conversation comes up between Marshall and his flamboyantly bitchy new friend Lionel. The contrast between Marshall's version of being gay is vastly different from Lionel's who strives to make the closedminded uncomfortable and marginalize the idea of what is gay. Marshall is the timid and closeted young boy, confused and quiet, and therefore possibly intimidated by this high schooler with the balls to stand out in the midst of jocks and bible belters. Marshall even tells him off in one scene that Lionel makes people not want to be gay. What is interesting here though is that Lionel didn't come back with a retort in the nature of "people don't want to be gay, they just are." His sassiness overrides logic here and leaves the viewer a bit on edge as to how this can turn out. By the end of the episode however, Marshall's making out with friend Courtney, therefore signifying that Cody may want to hold off on his gayformation. I've been using alot of Gay derivatives but hey, they make sense!

As the episode progresses, Tara's now freaking out, because she knows that the alters are back, even though she is back on medication. They even start coming to her from outside of her body, asking her to transform. Only 2 episodes in, Buck is the lone star attempting to break out, and he is successful in taking control, enter stage right Joey Lauren Adams...remember her? Ben Affleck's lesbian in Chasing Amy? She's baaaack!

From the season 2 preview, much has already happened, which makes me feel much better about how it could turn out. So I will keep you all posted, and until then

Thanks for listening, I am the TV Enforcer

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