Monday, August 2, 2010

Big Brother Update: I hate Jeggings

So I was half right about Nominations for eviction. It's Hayden and Kristen (aka Jeggings) getting squeezed out by the power couple (I will not refer to them as Brenchel). What was most exciting was the ultimate catfight pitting Firecrotch against Jeggings. Coming in at No. 2 would be Firecrotch and Britney's bubble bath of caddiness. And rounding out at No. 3 would be the green teams extra cuddly celebration during the luxury competition. Enzo is slowly becoming my favorite house mate.

I have stated before that I hate Rachel. Which is true, and only grows more everyday. I hated Evil Dick, however, and still desired his victory. The same feelings apply for the power couple. I sense Brendon's concerns however, with Firecrotch growing more and more into a menacing, power hungry uber-bitch. This worries Brendon in the case that the two of them will no longer be safe in the house after her raping and pillaging of house mate respect.

Kristen is NOT playing her game well. At all. In fact, she's pullin a Firecrotch on the crazy scale. Her eyes were like crystal meth fire when she said "I'm not going ANYWHERE" to Kathy. I was afraid. Jeggings is making bad moves acting like a scorned wife thanks to Andrew's last words. If you didn't think he was telling the truth, all you had to do was watch the secret showmance couple's uproarious reaction and know that he was right. Jeggings then goes on to get ALL UP IN firecrotch's face after the HOH competition that firecrotch JUST WON for the second time, and almost resembled Debbie on "True Blood" in that she's a werewolf high on Vampire Blood. My Big Brother viewing experience has granted me the insight into some general do's and don'ts for some don'ts:
1. Don't attempt a secret showmance in bed when you know other people are in the room
2.Don't wear Jeggings
3. Don't scream at the HOH when you have JUST been made a target by outgoing house mates.

Pretty simple stuff. Apparently not according to Kristen.

Obviously the hope would be for either of them to win POV and get taken off the block. IF Kristen were to win POV which is doubtful because even though she's pretty adamant about not being a floater- she is because she never wins anything (The oh-so hilarious yet awkwardly promotional luxury competition is a great example), then the Brigade is REALLY in trouble. The smartest move in response for Rachel would be to then throw up Matt. This would truly affect the Brigade in two very different ways:
1. They would have to break up the group without revealing themselves
2. They would have to expose themselves
which in turn would then require them to make the decision:
Matt. Or Hayden.
If Enzo and Lane really think about it, both are expendable factions in that Matt made bad moves last week as HOH and Hayden is in a showmance with Jeggings McGee.

If Hayden wins, Matt can still get backdoored but either way, Kristen would most likely be going home. My ultimate hope is for Firecrotch to or Brendon to win POV, leave Kathy alone, and send Jeggings packing.

Ultimately, Rachel and Brendon are in serious trouble of getting targeted for the weeks to come so they've gotta make sure they dominate on all competitions. The Brigade also needs to rethink their strategy because they have been lead astray by both Matt and Hayden.

This is a pretty disjointed Blog entry. Even for me. But I'm on my second gigantic cup of tea, and I'm seeing stars.

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV enforcer.

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