Monday, August 30, 2010

Emmy's Red Carpet Rundown

Last night was the Emmy's! And I unfortunately did not watch much of it, Mad Men, Big Brother, True Blood....if the SHOWS are ON why would I watch clips of them? Congrats to Mad Men by the way but let's get serious. The outfits...a sight to see..and I shall indulge you of what I thought this year:

Lea Michele! Gorgeous Oscar De LaRenta Navy Gown! It was sexy, sophisticated, and whimsical all at the same time
Jane Lynch: Hated the colors hated the shape. Top was good. Bottom was a trash bag.
Edie Falco: Not flattering at all. If the dress was just a little more shapely,she would have looked DIVINE.
January Jones: OK. Some people thought that she was really stepping it up here, being edgy with this I'm sorry, I just didn't see it, I couldn't find the "fashion forwardness" of this dress, anywhere. Perhaps it was the material, but I thought it made her look like a peacock drenched in blueberries.
Claire Danes: APPROVE!! Her slim figure screamed out in this dress and the glamour was just off the favorite dress of the night.
Kim Kardashian: Oh you greek goddess you! I don't think Kim K even KNOWS how to not dress well, so looking this good obviously wasn't too hard for her.
Eva Longoria Parker: Amazing! The rosettes are so chic, the silohuette just hugs her so perfectly, I love everything about this dress.
Tina Fey: Girl, you let me down. I'm not a fan of this it reminds me of sheer black and white underneath circa 1999.
Kate Gosselin: OK, a. where the hell are your children?!?! b. Somebody get me some smelling salts, I just passed out from Boredom.
Rutina Wesley: Yo tara!!! did you just wrap an Escher painting around you? It's weird to see True Blood's sassiest bartender off the braids and on the red carpet. The slit's too high, the hair's too big.
Sarah Hyland from Modern Family: I have watched this show only once (enjoyed it thoroughly) but that shouldn't change the fact that Sarah wore this dress to perfection! great job!
Angela Kinsey: Who'da thought that Angela from the Office could pull off some serious glamour!!! Amazing dress, loved the lace.
Stephanie Pratt: I don't know (really don't care) who you are, but what I do know is, you're at the Emmy's, therefore, you look like a whore. Someone get her PA and find the rest of that dress!
Christina Hendricks: I'm unsure about this Zac Posen dress, although I think the top is absolutely gorgeous! The bottom however, once those [feathers??] reach the bottom, it starts to look a little mangy. But her hair and those tatas were her saving grace.
Heidi Klum: Now THIS is a woman who can pull off an edgy mini. This Marchesa piece is FIERCE, but those shoes look like shards of glass!
Anna Paquin: I hate to say this because speaking so ill of the deceased can come back to haunt you, but this Alexander McQueen is god awful and I would suck the life out of Ms. Sookie Stackhouse TOO if she ever came round here wearin that mess.
Emily Blunt: Yawn, it washes her out, this color should be left for women of a dark tint perhaps. The jewels on the dress however are stunning.
Juliana Margulies: This "Good Wife" was having a "Bad Day" in the dress category.Bizarre. Just didn't like it.
Kelly Osbourne: She surprised me here! I thought the dress was fun and sexy and she wore it well! She also looks great and that hair is such an accomplishment from her pink hair'd chubby days.
Diana Agron: Probably one of the prettiest girls on TV she fails here with this Scarlett O'Hara like Carolina Herrera. It reminds me of corsets and there's just too much lace and crap going on, it's like she's trapped in a cage!
Elizabeth Moss: You GO Peggy!!! While having an AWESOME episode last night, along with a win for the show, she looked STUNNING in this one shoulder piece
Sophia Vergara: Her figure is really what made this dress. Otherwise, I think the jeweling and embellishments are off and so is the color. Good thing she's just so damn gorgeous.
Jayma Matys: She's adorably sprite in this navy Burberry gown! I love the ruching I love the fringe (for lack of a better term) and I love her hair and jewelry! What a transformation!
Kathy Griffin: I don't know WHAT was going on down at the bottom of her dress but I MUST say that she ROCKED it!
Lauren Graham: Mistake. Utter. Mistake.
Toni Collette: No NO NO! The bottom looks like she fell into a marsh.
Cheryl Hines: My favorite wife looked absolutely fabulous in this one shouldered piece.
Julia Louise Dreyfuss: Show's been cancelled, and apparently so has the middle of her dress. The sheer ruined it for me, gotta say.
Jenna Fischer: I loved this dress! It was so sexy on her, what a great color, and the geometric embellishments really made it a fun and elegant dress at the same time.
Jennifer Carpenter: I think Dexter got to this dress because it belongs in a body bag.
Mindy Kaling: She's a comedy I hope this too was a joke she wrote.
Jewel: Nice to see you back! And not selling out! Great dress, great look.
Padma Lakshmi: Congrats on your win but a shame on your dress! The neck is awful, that's all I can say.
and Last but not Least:

Betty WHITE: You go girl in that sexy ass two piece with the color fading! As long as she can still attend these things, I feel obligated to award her best dressed for the evening. ESPECIALLY if she dressed herself.

There were just SO many beautiful people out in LA tonight! I couldn't get through them all but at least the good outweighed the bad AND the ugly!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

AMC is at it Again

I was lucky enough to catch a trailer for the new AMC Series, "The Walking Dead" this week. Besides Restaurant Week, AND Brendon coming off the block on Big Brother, this truly made my week. The show is based off a graphic novel of the same name and follows a young police officer who is shot and wakes up alone in a hospital after a large viral epidemic sweeps the world. This scene in the trailer made me initially hesitant because it rang so similar to one of the first scenes in "28 Days Later." But once the trailer really started to explain more about this character and this show, I could tell that it was in no way copying but paying homage to "28 Days Later" and any other zombie movie out there. Which is amazing. Why?

Because I

Now generally I tend to enjoy zombies of the more frantic persuasion. I enjoy when they're just always hungry and always running and always spewing blood at the mouth. Frantic zombies call for frantic action. But there's no way you could have that "breed" of zombie continually throughout a series, that would be like Lost on crack, one season crammed into one episode. Too much brain nausea can cause people to lose interest in order to keep their heart rates at healthy numbers. So instead these zombies are slow moving, the kind from an old George Romero film, and look just as gross. As said in the trailer, "One of them is easy to bring down, but in a large group and their hungry?" I believe it starts to trail off there for dramatic tension which leads the viewer to believe that it won't end well if (well let's be honest, when) they're hungry.

The show also has a western feel to it with the southern twangs and the horse riding. That makes it seem more dangerous, like a southern boy eyein you down in a bar tippin off his hat. Yeah I didn't put any g's in, gotta get the feeeel.

It comes out on Halloween night, which just so happens to be on a Sunday, therefore giving many people (young people to say the least) the permission to stay in and watch. So my favorite holiday, my favorite type of menacing killing machines, and on my favorite channel! Considering Breaking Bad and Mad Men grace the pages of AMC's book of classic television, I am sure to be superbly satisfied and scared all at the same time. Bring it on zombies!!!

Thank you for reading. I am, the TV enforcer.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Big Brother Update: The NeanderTALL wins it all.

Brendon, who I believe is SO DAMN SEXY, is no longer my lustful eye candy. Even with Firecrotch gone, the Neanderthal's got baggage, and a bad poker face. But he still won HOH, which considering he's got the whole house against him, is pretty bad ass. I just wish he would stop yelling out to the ghost of Rachel, as if she could hear him from Sequester.

When we left the housemates on Thursday, I had no idea that Brendon could pull through. He seemed like he was going to wear himself quickly and I thought he would have no chance against the calmer Lane, or even Britney. But his determination shone like blood diamond and pulled it out leaving everyone in the dust, or mud in this case.

My favorite part of the whole show most certainly was watching Matt cringe with embarrassment as he watched Enzo battle places with KATHY. I absolutely love Enzo, and could possibly see him winning the whole thing. He is a complete floater, but in a way, does this purposely. By exerting force in the Brigade and allowing Matt to hold the leader title, he can make decisions that will effect him positively in the game without getting a lick of blood on his hands. He's also completely loyal, staying weary of relationships outside of the Brigade in fear it will make him vulnerable.

Lane and Ragan being on the block is a surprise. But in a way, I see where Brendon is coming from. When floaters, like last year's Jordan, win Big Brother, I am very upset. This is a competition and people shouldn't be deserving of a reward when all they do is sit in the shadows. Lane does just that with the Brigade, and doesn't ever make a stir in the house. Ragan does the same as well, his compassion being too much a of flaw in a game like this. It will be exciting tonight to see where things go with the POV competition AND it will be exciting to see if Matt uses his diamond veto.

Thank you for reading. I am, the TV Enforcer.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Big Brother Update: See Ya Later Firecrotch

Amazingly, ironically, and obviously, all my thoughts about Big Brother have been wrong. Except for Kristen's demise. But now we see yet ANOTHER (and probably the fiercest) female sent packing by the house of Big Brother. Rachel, aka Firecrotch, got a big bitch slap in the face called Karma and was evicted from the house last night, even in the wake of Brendon's lashing out (badly and awkwardly may I add) at the other house mates. Her crazy firecrotch behavior was too intimidating and obnoxious to keep her in the house. And Brendon's bad attitude seemed too systematic and antisocial. Even when Rachel attempted to be on her "best behavior" nothing could keep the house from making a unanimous vote to get her out.

But really, in my mind, all annoyingness and hair extensions aside, Rachel was a great player. There were just times she couldn't back it up. But with two HOH's and a lap dog boyfriend who won two POV's, it seemed as though she was on a roll. She never made REALLY horrible decisions, except for putting up Monet and Britney. Getting Monet out was totally fine, she sucked and I didn't really care, but putting up Britney was all Matt and Rachel just didn't make the alliance with Britney she should have.

I also am in pure shock, that no one.....and I mean NO ONE....still.has.any.


About the Brigade.

How is this possible??!? How is it possible that four men are reigning terror down upon the women (and King Kosher) of Big Brother and no one has noticed ANYTHING?!!?! When I looked at the Tweets people were suggesting to Ragan, the Saboteur, a consistent suggestion was to EXPOSE THE BRIGADE. Now if the Producers of Big Brother think that this would "ruin" the season because Ragan would be getting outside information, let's NOT forget that he IS the saboteur. Let's also not forget the airplane that pretty much ruined Eric's chances of surviving in the house as America's player in Season 8. Outside interference creates for drama and interesting plot developments, which now with Rachel gone, the house needs.

If the floaters (Ragan, Kathy, Britney-because she has no real alliances, and now Brendon) want to survive this game, they have to dismantle the Brigade. And their stupidity and naiveté as a whole certainly will not grant them any insight to Matt, Lane, Hayden, and Enzo's secret dealings. The only way that this can be done to truly save the season and create controversy, is if The Saboteur EXPOSES THEM according to the DESIRES OF AMERICA. If anything he'll get voted out but hopefully not next week when he wins 20,000. That seems like the only viable option to get them out, that and none of them winning HOH, which thankfully, won't be Matt OR Firecrotch AGAIN.

It seems like it's a speed and agility match though. Kathy definitely won't win(Although I am SO proud of Kathy standing up to Count Firecrotch, so refreshing to see, too bad she's still a floater). Ragan seemed enthusiastic, but a bit confused. Britney seems like she was going to get pretty winded about halfway through. Big lugs like Lane, Brendon, and Hayden could either be at a large advantage or a huge disadvantage. Brendon was flopping around like a fish on land, most likely he tired himself out and brought about his own demise. I didn't want to ruin my weekend, so I resisted checking the live feed.

My prediction will be that Hayden wins HOH puts Brendon and Kathy up on the Block and that Brendon will go home. If Brendon DOES win HOH, considering how COMPLETELY oblivious he is to the Brigade he'll probably put up Kathy and Britney. Time will tell, but hopefully the Brigade WILL FALL.

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV Enforcer.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Big Brother Update: I hate Jeggings

So I was half right about Nominations for eviction. It's Hayden and Kristen (aka Jeggings) getting squeezed out by the power couple (I will not refer to them as Brenchel). What was most exciting was the ultimate catfight pitting Firecrotch against Jeggings. Coming in at No. 2 would be Firecrotch and Britney's bubble bath of caddiness. And rounding out at No. 3 would be the green teams extra cuddly celebration during the luxury competition. Enzo is slowly becoming my favorite house mate.

I have stated before that I hate Rachel. Which is true, and only grows more everyday. I hated Evil Dick, however, and still desired his victory. The same feelings apply for the power couple. I sense Brendon's concerns however, with Firecrotch growing more and more into a menacing, power hungry uber-bitch. This worries Brendon in the case that the two of them will no longer be safe in the house after her raping and pillaging of house mate respect.

Kristen is NOT playing her game well. At all. In fact, she's pullin a Firecrotch on the crazy scale. Her eyes were like crystal meth fire when she said "I'm not going ANYWHERE" to Kathy. I was afraid. Jeggings is making bad moves acting like a scorned wife thanks to Andrew's last words. If you didn't think he was telling the truth, all you had to do was watch the secret showmance couple's uproarious reaction and know that he was right. Jeggings then goes on to get ALL UP IN firecrotch's face after the HOH competition that firecrotch JUST WON for the second time, and almost resembled Debbie on "True Blood" in that she's a werewolf high on Vampire Blood. My Big Brother viewing experience has granted me the insight into some general do's and don'ts for some don'ts:
1. Don't attempt a secret showmance in bed when you know other people are in the room
2.Don't wear Jeggings
3. Don't scream at the HOH when you have JUST been made a target by outgoing house mates.

Pretty simple stuff. Apparently not according to Kristen.

Obviously the hope would be for either of them to win POV and get taken off the block. IF Kristen were to win POV which is doubtful because even though she's pretty adamant about not being a floater- she is because she never wins anything (The oh-so hilarious yet awkwardly promotional luxury competition is a great example), then the Brigade is REALLY in trouble. The smartest move in response for Rachel would be to then throw up Matt. This would truly affect the Brigade in two very different ways:
1. They would have to break up the group without revealing themselves
2. They would have to expose themselves
which in turn would then require them to make the decision:
Matt. Or Hayden.
If Enzo and Lane really think about it, both are expendable factions in that Matt made bad moves last week as HOH and Hayden is in a showmance with Jeggings McGee.

If Hayden wins, Matt can still get backdoored but either way, Kristen would most likely be going home. My ultimate hope is for Firecrotch to or Brendon to win POV, leave Kathy alone, and send Jeggings packing.

Ultimately, Rachel and Brendon are in serious trouble of getting targeted for the weeks to come so they've gotta make sure they dominate on all competitions. The Brigade also needs to rethink their strategy because they have been lead astray by both Matt and Hayden.

This is a pretty disjointed Blog entry. Even for me. But I'm on my second gigantic cup of tea, and I'm seeing stars.

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV enforcer.