Thursday, August 26, 2010

AMC is at it Again

I was lucky enough to catch a trailer for the new AMC Series, "The Walking Dead" this week. Besides Restaurant Week, AND Brendon coming off the block on Big Brother, this truly made my week. The show is based off a graphic novel of the same name and follows a young police officer who is shot and wakes up alone in a hospital after a large viral epidemic sweeps the world. This scene in the trailer made me initially hesitant because it rang so similar to one of the first scenes in "28 Days Later." But once the trailer really started to explain more about this character and this show, I could tell that it was in no way copying but paying homage to "28 Days Later" and any other zombie movie out there. Which is amazing. Why?

Because I

Now generally I tend to enjoy zombies of the more frantic persuasion. I enjoy when they're just always hungry and always running and always spewing blood at the mouth. Frantic zombies call for frantic action. But there's no way you could have that "breed" of zombie continually throughout a series, that would be like Lost on crack, one season crammed into one episode. Too much brain nausea can cause people to lose interest in order to keep their heart rates at healthy numbers. So instead these zombies are slow moving, the kind from an old George Romero film, and look just as gross. As said in the trailer, "One of them is easy to bring down, but in a large group and their hungry?" I believe it starts to trail off there for dramatic tension which leads the viewer to believe that it won't end well if (well let's be honest, when) they're hungry.

The show also has a western feel to it with the southern twangs and the horse riding. That makes it seem more dangerous, like a southern boy eyein you down in a bar tippin off his hat. Yeah I didn't put any g's in, gotta get the feeeel.

It comes out on Halloween night, which just so happens to be on a Sunday, therefore giving many people (young people to say the least) the permission to stay in and watch. So my favorite holiday, my favorite type of menacing killing machines, and on my favorite channel! Considering Breaking Bad and Mad Men grace the pages of AMC's book of classic television, I am sure to be superbly satisfied and scared all at the same time. Bring it on zombies!!!

Thank you for reading. I am, the TV enforcer.

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