Friday, August 13, 2010

Big Brother Update: See Ya Later Firecrotch

Amazingly, ironically, and obviously, all my thoughts about Big Brother have been wrong. Except for Kristen's demise. But now we see yet ANOTHER (and probably the fiercest) female sent packing by the house of Big Brother. Rachel, aka Firecrotch, got a big bitch slap in the face called Karma and was evicted from the house last night, even in the wake of Brendon's lashing out (badly and awkwardly may I add) at the other house mates. Her crazy firecrotch behavior was too intimidating and obnoxious to keep her in the house. And Brendon's bad attitude seemed too systematic and antisocial. Even when Rachel attempted to be on her "best behavior" nothing could keep the house from making a unanimous vote to get her out.

But really, in my mind, all annoyingness and hair extensions aside, Rachel was a great player. There were just times she couldn't back it up. But with two HOH's and a lap dog boyfriend who won two POV's, it seemed as though she was on a roll. She never made REALLY horrible decisions, except for putting up Monet and Britney. Getting Monet out was totally fine, she sucked and I didn't really care, but putting up Britney was all Matt and Rachel just didn't make the alliance with Britney she should have.

I also am in pure shock, that no one.....and I mean NO ONE....still.has.any.


About the Brigade.

How is this possible??!? How is it possible that four men are reigning terror down upon the women (and King Kosher) of Big Brother and no one has noticed ANYTHING?!!?! When I looked at the Tweets people were suggesting to Ragan, the Saboteur, a consistent suggestion was to EXPOSE THE BRIGADE. Now if the Producers of Big Brother think that this would "ruin" the season because Ragan would be getting outside information, let's NOT forget that he IS the saboteur. Let's also not forget the airplane that pretty much ruined Eric's chances of surviving in the house as America's player in Season 8. Outside interference creates for drama and interesting plot developments, which now with Rachel gone, the house needs.

If the floaters (Ragan, Kathy, Britney-because she has no real alliances, and now Brendon) want to survive this game, they have to dismantle the Brigade. And their stupidity and naiveté as a whole certainly will not grant them any insight to Matt, Lane, Hayden, and Enzo's secret dealings. The only way that this can be done to truly save the season and create controversy, is if The Saboteur EXPOSES THEM according to the DESIRES OF AMERICA. If anything he'll get voted out but hopefully not next week when he wins 20,000. That seems like the only viable option to get them out, that and none of them winning HOH, which thankfully, won't be Matt OR Firecrotch AGAIN.

It seems like it's a speed and agility match though. Kathy definitely won't win(Although I am SO proud of Kathy standing up to Count Firecrotch, so refreshing to see, too bad she's still a floater). Ragan seemed enthusiastic, but a bit confused. Britney seems like she was going to get pretty winded about halfway through. Big lugs like Lane, Brendon, and Hayden could either be at a large advantage or a huge disadvantage. Brendon was flopping around like a fish on land, most likely he tired himself out and brought about his own demise. I didn't want to ruin my weekend, so I resisted checking the live feed.

My prediction will be that Hayden wins HOH puts Brendon and Kathy up on the Block and that Brendon will go home. If Brendon DOES win HOH, considering how COMPLETELY oblivious he is to the Brigade he'll probably put up Kathy and Britney. Time will tell, but hopefully the Brigade WILL FALL.

Thanks for reading. I am, the TV Enforcer.

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